Painted by J..M.Weixelbaum, dated 1807
After an oil painting by Joh. Heinrich Füger
Re-acquired by the Princely Collections Liechtenstein

Impressed date letter 807; Incised white ware turners mark W.
Signed and dated bottom right: J:M:Weixelbaum/pinx:1807
2 3/4in x c.15 ½ in; 58cm x 39.9cm
absolutely perfect
The House of Liectenstein
The originale Rahmen ist mit Bleistift beschriftet: “…grünen Schreibzimmer Ihrer Kaiser. Hoheit“
The Judgment of Brutus ranks amongst the very earliest porcelain paintings in existencence as both Berlin and Nymphenburg were only able to fire thin flat porcelain paintings successfully from around 1818 onwards.
Only one earlier porcelain painting of 1804 seems to be known from old inventories.
The ‘Judgment of Brutus’ won the Gundel price in 1807, the annual price for artistic excellence introduced by the Director of the Vienna porcelain factory, Conrad von Sorgenthal (see a copy of the original entry in the archive of the “Wiener Vereinigte Kunstakademie” attached).
Lucius Junius Brutus was the first Consul of Rome.
The Roman King Tarquinius Superbus had ordered the killing of all his rivals and Brutus alone survived as he had acted like an imbecile – hence his name which means ‘without reason’. After the killings, Brutus drove the Romans to rise up against Tarquinius Seperbus who was exiled together with his family. After Brutus’ appointment as first Consul, Tarquinius in turn started a secret mutiny against him which involved also the Consuls two sons. When this secret conspiracy was discovered, Brutus condemmed his two sons to death. Their execution was performed before his eyes. Lucius Junius Brutus died in battle in 509 BC.
Johann Heinrich Füger
was the first Director of the “Wiener Vereinigte Kunstakademie” (Vienna Academy of Arts) founded in 1786. He was also Director of the Imperial collection of paintings. His oil painting of the ‘Judgement of Brutus’ formed part of the collection of Count Moritz von Fries in 1807.
Johann Weixelbaum (Vienna 1752 – 1840)
received his training a painter of figures in the Vienna Academy of Arts under J.H.Füger.
He was registered at the Vienna porcelain factory with the number 8 in the years 1772-1840. In 1784 he was appointed Chief Painter; he won the Gundel price for excellence in 1795 for the first time. In 1797 he was made Head of the class for History Painting. In 1830 he received the gold medal for excellent achievements.